To Think About

If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily. ~Gerald Good

Friday, February 25, 2011

My favourite time

My very favourite time of the week is Friday late afternoon. I'm home from work and I have shaken the week off and have this wonderful feeling of time and opportunity. Two whole days that are all mine to spend as I wish. Of course the days go by in a flash and by Sunday evening I'm reflecting on all the things that I didnt get done, but that never alters I I feel the very next Friday.

So here I am late on a Friday night, and I've been pottering around doing my own thing. I'll go to bed soon relaxed and happy. Refer to yesterday's post...have I done any of those things? I've read a few chapters, I've caught up on a favourite TV show, I've blogged and I've watered, so maybe I have...but not enough.

Tomorrow morning a bike ride and then I'm going to tackle that knitting. The garden? Mmm We'll see.
But for now I'm so grateful for the possibilities the weekend holds.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where does time go?

I want to start straight away by saying that I'm grateful today for some things I'm also going to whinge about. Let's get that out of the way first. I love that I belong to a professional association that provides me with a fresh perspective and I love that I am privileged enough to have the resources to be engaged in interesting things.

This morning I was reflecting on how tricky it is to fit everything in - I work obviously but I'm not counting that - I'm talking about my 'leisure activities'. If I were filling in an online dating profile I would say that I garden, walk, read, bike ride, dabble with the computer and practise yoga.

But the truth is that I have a garden that is half started - plenty of ideas but not enough end product, I take my dog for walks as often as we can manage and never enough, I am trying to start a knitting project but it is sitting forlornly on my couch, I belong to a book club and have a commitment to read, but have only read the first two chapters of this month's book, I have just bought my second bicycle (now that story is a whole other post about how stupid I am) but haven't ridden anywhere,  I read other people's blogs but get behind posting on my own, and I should be into my third week of yoga but I missed it today. I also play an online game with a friend (one of those multi player options that are super fun but quite silly for a woman of my age) but haven't managed that for a week and when she asked me the other day if I wanted to play, I told her I didn't have time! Where does the time go? Other people can manage to fit way more into their lives. But I always seem to be "robbing Peter to pay Paul". Where does all the time go? Share your secrets for better leisure management with me!

What kind of person actually complains about how many leisure activities she has to fit in? I'll accept any metaphorical slaps!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Alone is enough

Today I had the blissful opportunity to come home after work and talk to...nobody. I love being with people, have always done so and my job demands of me constant interactions with a wide range of personalities. This is one of the elements of the job I love so much. But it is a job of service. It requires giving to others.
Sometimes after a particularly long day, or maybe it 's because it has challenged me, there seems no better reward than having some time to retreat into my own space, into my own head. It can be quiet there, it can be forgiving. I always feel sorry for people who can't seem to enjoy being alone - I think they're missing out on something special and soul reviving.

So today I'm thankful for:
The extra coffee bought for me that I wasn't expecting.
The hastily organised bike ride to share with colleagues on the weekend
The few quiet hours I spent with myself.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Maybe I should try a different approach

What about if I don't try to write so much each day? Better to be brief and present than leave a big gaping hole...

Today was a good day, nothing remarkable to make it note worthy really, but a good day nevertheless. They're mostly good days I have to say which is why I'm so grateful all the time!

When I was running late for work, I didn't have to wait for coffee - the barista started making my familiar order as I walked into the cafe.
I had dinner with my son - yes we live in the same house but at his age he is always off doing things, so it is lovely to sit at the dining table and swap stories about our day.
And after just taking Maggie for a short walk I really appreciate this weather - warm days so that short sleeves can be worn and cold nights which requires a light blanket to sleep. It was stinking hot just a couple of weeks ago and it will be cold soon enough so for now, it's time to rejoice!

I love Mondays!

Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude.Joseph Wood Krutch

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ashamed So Ashamed

I am a blogging disgrace. I set about to make a new post every day but that, it seems, was when I was on holidays and my head was in a different spot...a clearer spot, a spot with time to 'smell the roses'. Now I'm back at work and despite the fact that I love it, or maybe because of it, I've lost the time or maybe it's the inspiration to write. I'm still reading my favourite blogs though and a fellow blogger, I think her name is Tanya, who also set about to make daily entries is sticking to her goal - I'm a disgrace!

I work in the education field - no longer a classroom teacher but a deputy principal in a large P - 7 school (soon to reach Year 10). Education and kids are all consuming - I liken it to diving off the 10 metre platform - you can't  just dabble in the water from there - it envelopes you, takes you over - and you don't come up for air until you reach the surface. Nobody goes into teaching for the holidays (or the pay for that matter, but that's another story). Teaching is the sort of job that you think about 24/7 until the break between school years - that's the time to really breathe deeply. The rest is just an opportunity to catch your breath. Why am I telling you this? As a way of explaining what's happened to me since the school year began. No excuse I realise, but just a way of perhaps understanding.

The really odd thing is that I'm going to bed these days with not a hint of gratitude in my mind. It's not that worthy things haven't come my way, but I climb into bed and my mind is...empty. What's happening?

I have been blessed with landing in a profession I love and there's rarely a day that goes by without me recognising how fortunate I've been. How many people, I wonder, just go to work because the bills have to be paid?  Poor them...poor you.

I'm content with my life - is it perfect? I guess not. What is perfect anyway? I'm independent, I am loved and I am free. Really, what more could I ask for?

I now know that posting a blog every night while I'm working is unrealistic, but I will try to be more regular than once every three weeks. Don't give up on me!