To Think About

If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily. ~Gerald Good

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Australia Day

Today is Australia Day - the day we celebrate white settlement. Of course there were indigenous people living here for thousands of years before that but they were not recognised...but let's not go into that here.

Australia Day is typically hot and we Aussies traditionally like to do the sorts of things that the rest of the world seem to imagine us doing...sitting around watching sport (the Australian Open and cricket), having a barbeque and downing a tinny or two.

Well I did exactly was scorching hot and I spent the day with good friends enjoying beautiful food, some lovely wine and languidly chatting while watching the tennis. And they have air conditioning which I do not so it was especially pleasurable to be inside! It was a truly great day. 

The cool change swept through at about 8:30pm and I opened wide all the windows to flush out the hot stale air. Went to bed pretty early to read and then sleep.

So my summary...I have great friends, live in a country of freedoms and traditions, and fresh air. Bliss

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